Miers Withdraws

Obviously one of you forwarded my last post to the White House. Good Job!
The conservatives said they were upset by the emergence yesterday of two speeches in which Ms. Miers said that self-determination should guide decisions involving religion and the law, and in which she cited conservative betes noires Janet Reno and Justice Ginsburg as female role models.
The only thing Ginsburg and Reno should be used for is... a reminder of what we are opposed to. (You though I was going to say "target practice" didn't you?)
Is Miers NUTS? Remember, Justice Ginsburg wants the age of consent lowered to 12, wants to legalize prostitution, believes "international opinion" should influence SCOTUS rulings, hates the concept of a 'Boys Club' and 'Girls Club', and believes co-ed prisons are a jim-dandy idea:
But the left is so reliant on its balance argument that when Republican senators, and this writer, pointed out that Justice Ginsburg had posited that prostitution was constitutionally protected and that the age of consent should be lowered to 12, the same people who have distorted the records of Bush judicial nominees echoed in outrage and obfuscation. The problem is that it's true.
In papers Ms. Ginsburg wrote while she worked for the ACLU, she argued against criminalized prostitution and said that it was "arguably within the zone of privacy protected by recent constitutional decisions." In lawyer-speak that means that she, at least, tended to think prostitution fell under the constitutional right to privacy. She did not say "some would argue" or that it was "arguably not within the zone of privacy." And if arguably Mrs. Ginsburg did not aim, as her defenders say, to lower the age of consent, she was guilty of sloppy lawyering when she recommended that a statutory-rape law that had the consent age at 16 be replaced by a proposal that had it at 12.
But that is not all. The woman nominated to replace Roe's leading dissenter, Byron White, was not only pro-abortion, she wrote that the federal government should be constitutionally required to subsidize elective abortions. She urged coed prisons; criticized the Boy and Girl Scouts for perpetuating "gender" stereotypes; and suggested that "Parents Day" might replace Mother's and Father's day. Ms. Ginsburg had also opined that a law restricting the rights of bigamists "is of questionable constitutionality since it appears to encroach impermissibly upon private relationships."
More on Miers actions are here:
...including this tidbit:
Other candidates mentioned frequently included conservative federal appeals court judges J. Michael Luttig, Priscilla Owen, Karen Williams, Alice Batchelder and Samuel Alito; Michigan Supreme Court justice Maura Corrigan; and Maureen Mahoney, a well-respected litigator before the high court.
Amen! Let the cat-fight begin!
Hey -- I totally agree with you. i really enjoyed reading your last few posts. we can be conservative without being blind. :)
Thanks Hero's!
You are 100% correct. In fact, a true conservative stays loyal to principle - not to people or political parties.
I vote R only because they are generally closer to the way I would like to see this nation led - not because I registered republican.
Blind loyalty to any party is dumb.
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