What Bias in the News Media?

Hello Thinkers!
This is a quick one, since I don't need to add much. Next time someone errantly points out the "conservative bias in the media", ask them what they think of Helen Thomas. In case you don't know who this bridge troll is, Helen is the 'one hundred and thirty something' liberal member of the White House press corps. Frequently she sits front and center in the briefing room. Recently she was reported as saying:
"The day I say Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I'll kill myself. I think he'd like to run, but it would be a sad day for the country if he does." Thomas told The Hill newspaper, "All we need is one more liar."
Now remember - she is not a political analyst, not an opinion writer (well in reality that's all she is, but she'd never admit it) - she is a REPORTER.
Yep! No bias in the media there. Other memorable quotes from Her Heinous include:
"This is the worst President ever. He (Bush) is the worst President in all of American history."
- Published in an article by John Bogert in the Torrance, California Daily Breeze January 19 2003. According to Thomas this was supposed to be off the record. The reporter (assumedly Bogert) asked for her autograph after she spoke at the event. As she signed his copy of her book, he said to her, "You look sad?" She responded by saying "Well I am. I'm covering the worst president..."
"At the earlier briefing, Ari, you said that the President deplored the taking of innocent lives. Does that apply to all innocent lives in the world? And I have a follow-up... My follow-up is, why does he want to drop bombs on innocent Iraqis? ..."
- White House briefing, January 6, 2003.
More of Helen's unbiased prose may be coming out in a memoir, rumored to be titled "For Whose Face the Clock Stops."
Jeez! You gotta warn us when you post something that ugly. I just about lost my breakfast here at the office!
Saw the link on BMEWS.
Sorry R5. I will put a TVMA warning on the link next time post something that grotesque
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